A Message From The Principal...
Welcome to Eliza Northrop Elementary! At Northrop, we believe that every student can and will find success and we consider it a privilege to be a part of each child's school journey. We work hard to build strong relationships with students and families and truly view our school community as an extended family. Through our extensive work with PBIS (positive behavior interventions and supports), our focus on social-emotional learning, and our rigorous academics, we work to support the whole child. We are excited to welcome you to our school community and encourage you to reach out with any questions or ideas that you have!
Amanda Dodez, Principal
Eliza Northrop Elementary Building Information
950 East Reagan Parkway
Medina, OH 44256
Secretaries: Amy Brewer and Mary Jarstfer
ATTENDANCE LINE 330-636-4604
Please call if your student will be absent or late for any reason.
Building Hours: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
School Hours: 8:45 am to 3:30 pm
Tardy Bell Rings: 8:55 am
Student Dismissal: 3:20 pm
Phone: 330-636-4600
Fax: 330-636-3807
Student Breakfast: $2.50
Student Lunch: $3.25
Medina City Schools Elementary Homework Guidelines
~ We believe homework should be a practice of concepts taught during the school day and students should be able to complete it on their own. Only homework with a specific and necessary purpose will be sent home.
~ We believe that homework is practice, so teachers will not grade student work, or penalize with loss of recess, etc.
~ We believe homework is an important communication tool, allowing parents to see the work going on during the school day.
~ We believe learning is its own reward. We will not reward students with points, candy, etc. for completing homework.