Welcome to the Department of Pupil Services
Welcome to the Department of Pupil Services at Medina City Schools. We believe that every student deserves a Free Appropriate Public Education that maximizes their potential. The primary responsibility of the department is oversight of all phases of the district's special education programs, which includes the Helping Hands Preschool and out-of-district placements that involve Medina students. Other responsibilities include providing assistance with English Learner (EL) issues, providing Section 504 disability support, assisting with positive behavior interventions & support implementation (PBIS), and guiding Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) implementation.
Our Pupil Services Department is committed to creating an inclusive and nurturing environment for each student. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our knowledgeable team. We are here to support you every step of the way.
For additional information on the Helping Hands Preschool, please visit Helping Hands Preschool at Heritage.
Mrs. Mine Pazitka
Director of Pupil Services
Phone: 330.636.3081
Email: pazitkam@medinabees.org
Mrs. Ronda French
Assistant Director of Pupil Services
Phone: 330.636.3072
Email: frenchr@medinabees.org
Mrs. Katie Hartung
Coordinator of Special Education
Phone: 330.636.3082
Email: hartungk@medinabees.org
Mrs. Mary Mitman
Administrative Secretary
Phone: 330.636.3090
Email: mitmanm@medinabees.org
Contact for: Tuition Issues
Mrs. Sandy Downey
Special Education Secretary
Phone: 330.636.3825
Email: downeys@medinabees.org
Contact for: IEPs, ETRs, Special Transportation