English Learner (EL) students, formerly known as English Language Learners or English as a Second Language students, continue to be an increasing population within the Medina City School District. Rights guaranteed by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Equal Educational Opportunities Act, and Title III of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act help to ensure that EL students are provided support to overcome language barriers that prevent equitable participation in their instructional programs.The Medina City School District's process to identify students who might have limited English proficiency (LEP) begins at registration, when parents are asked to identify the language that is most often spoken in the home environment. When the language is something other than English, the Immigration and Home Language Survey portion of the registration forms provides the District with more specific information to help inform instruction.Following the Immigration and Home Language Survey completion, potential EL students are further screened with brief oral (listening & speaking) and written measures (reading, writing, & comprehension) to more accurately categorize the students' level of English proficiency...from Pre-functional to Advanced...and to determine what kinds of supports will be put into place to assist the student within his or her classroom.In the spring of each school year, the Ohio Department of Education also requires districts to administer the Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessment, or OELPA, to determine eligible students' composite levels of success on more formal, academic measures of English language proficiency. Students can demonstrate that they no longer require EL support with sufficiently high scores and success in "mainstream" general education classes with limited accommodations.Additional information is available locally by contacting the Office of Special Services at 330-636-3090 or by utilizing state level support from the Lau Resource Center (614-466-4109) or the Office of Curriculum and Assessment of the Ohio Department of Education (614-466-4109).
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