About our Gifted Services

  • Presently, the Federal government allows individual states to determine the nature and scope of gifted education. As a result, gifted identification and services vary widely among the states. Some states have a mandate for identification and services while other states may offer virtually nothing. Ohio is in the middle of the continuum in that there is a mandate to identify gifted students but no mandate to serve. As a result, gifted services among the local districts vary as much as the states differ in their requirements.


    Ohio Administrative Code 3301-51-15(C)(2)(B)(iv)(c) requires school districts to submit district plans for identification and services to the Ohio Department of Education.  District plans must be periodically updated due to changes in programming or assessment instruments.  District Policy for the Identification of and Service forDistrict Plan to  Students Who Are Gifted (12/22)

    Coded gifted services are reported to the Ohio Department of Education for each student counted as served.  These students are issued a Written Education Plan (WEP).  Services are offered in compliance with the Operating Standards for Identifying and Serving Gifted Students (7/18). 

    Our Gifted Education Services brochure provides an overview of services offered.


Elementary Services

  • Each elementary building  has a .5 time Gifted Intervention Specialist on staff.  

    Classroom teachers and Gifted Intervention Specialists will collaborate to provide appropriate classroom enrichment experiences for students with specific academic areas of gifted identification and for those students that need more challenge.




Middle School Services

  • Each middle school building has a .5 time Gifted Intervention Specialist on staff.  

    The middle schools have several coded gifted services in the areas of math, language arts and science.  Placement into each service is determined by written, objective criteria.



High School Services

  • Our high school offers numerous Honors and Advanced Placement (AP) courses to challenge our identified gifted and high achieving students.