
  • Some children may need more than their current educational placement.  Typically, students who need acceleration are ones who are consistently top of their class and they complete their work quickly and accurately.  There are two main types of acceleration: whole grade and subject acceleration.


    Students who qualify for Early Entrance to kindergarten or first grade are also considered accelerated students.  Additionally, early high school graduation is another form of acceleration.


    The need for whole grade acceleration is rare and many factors are considered when evaluating whether or not a child is a strong candidate.  The Iowa Acceleration Scale (IAS), developed through the Belin-Blank Center and the only tool approved by the Ohio Department of Education for whole grade acceleration, is the guide employed for whole grade acceleration in K-8.  The IAS requires the acceleration committee to look at assessment data, school and academic factors, developmental factors, interpersonal skills, school and family attitude and support as well as critical items such as siblings at the proposed accelerated grade level and the student's ability score being less than one standard deviation above the mean.  Anyone seeking whole grade acceleration should contact the Gifted Education Coordinator.


    Subject acceleration is more common than whole-grade acceleration.  Subject acceleration means that a child is ready for the next grade level much earlier than the typical student.  For example, a third grade student may be taking fourth grade math while finishing the rest of the curriculum at the third grade level.  Anyone seeking subject acceleration should first discuss the need with the regular classroom teacher and then contact the Gifted Intervention Specialist or Gifted Education Coordinator.


    Ohio Department of Education Academic Acceleration for Advanced Learners


    Early Entrance Resources: