Instructional Technology
Teachers are supported in adopting and integrating technology into their curriculum and instruction through district-wide professional development.
Through the use of iPads, Chromebooks and Windows PCs, students and teachers optimize learning and accelerate progress toward 21st-century learning. Teachers across the district implement various types of blended learning spaces. Using district-provided devices and services teacher design standards-based instruction using the following blended models.
- Face to Face Blended: a differentiated class in which remediation, enrichment and on target learning is delivered online for some students for a portion of classtime according to individualized needs.
- Station Rotation Blended: students alternate through a variety of online learning stations designed to build foundational knowledge and enrich student growth and conclude with a station designed for personalized learning with the classroom teacher.
- Flex Blended: course material is presented online and outside of the traditional classroom. Class time is primarily dedicated to teacher facilitated experiences that expect applications of learning.
- Flipped Blended: instruction is created and curated by teachers for student engagement outside of class while class time is dedicated to application and analysis of learning, remediation, and enrichment.